The “Metagenomics on the NRP” virtual workshop, organised by Colin Murrell, Alison Mather and Falk Hildebrand, proved to be a very popular afternoon of science with nearly a hundred attendees.
The variety of excellent talks demonstrated the breadth and depth of research areas involving metagenomics and related techniques and it was gratifying to see such a large number of early career researchers supporting and attending the workshop, despite inevitable “Zoom Fatigue” late on in a very difficult and trying year. Cutting edge technologies in the field were showcased across a variety of diverse fields including plant-microbe-insect symbioses, the soil and marine environment, the human gut (both bacteria and viruses), terrestrial freshwater environments such as natural gas seeps, antimicrobial resistance and clinical settings. Applied microbiology areas were also covered by a super talk from Plenary Speaker, Josh Neufeld from the University of Waterloo, Canada, who gave an overview of his work on analysis of nitrification in wastewater treatment using metagenomics techniques. Since there are a number of Research Group Leaders across the NRP who were unable to give an overview of their research due to time constrains, we have a second metagenomics (Virtual) workshop planned for the afternoon of 10th February 2021, when we will introduce further topics and also provide the opportunity for early career researchers to present their latest findings. We hope that a third metagenomics workshop where this NRP community can meet in person for informal discussions and interactions will happen later in 2021.
Speakers and organisers at the Workshop included (from left to right) Josh Neufeld (Canada), Marcela Hernandez (UEA), Colin Murrell (UEA) Evelien Adrianssens (QIB), Alison Mather (QIB), Thomas Mock (UEA) Falk Hildebrand (QIB/EI), Justin O’Grady (QIB) Richard Leggett (EI).